Thursday, May 14, 2015

Still my husband

It has been two and a half years since my husband was called home to Heaven. During this time, I have been asked many times, by many people if I have begun to move on or move forward with my life. It puzzles me as to what this really means.  The life I had was a WE that suddenly became an I. How does one begin to make that transition­…. HE IS STILL MY HUSBAND.

When someone passes away, it is the death of a person, not the relationship. Your parent does not cease to be your parent when they cross over. Your child will always be your child. A friend remains a friend. My husband is still just that….my husband. Move on­?

I have lost relationships with people I thought I could grieve with. Suddenly and with no reason. I do understand grief and grieving. You cannot do it alone. You cannot schedule it. Some days all I want to do is stay in bed with the letters, cards, receipts, stuffed animals… whatever and cry myself dry. I don’t for my own reasons. Some days my makeup is gone from my face before I get to work from a saline tear bath on the drive in. People who I considered friends have stopped answering the phone when I call. I understand their inability to be supportive, it is about them and not me. How can I not talk about him? He is still my husband.

I am no expert on this topic. Hell, I can only speak from where I have come from so far. Just my opinions really.  Things I have been learning. I am not trying to pass on any special grieving secrets, no magic potions, no short cuts.

I have learned that it is ok for me to keep talking about Pete. I should continue to honor his memory however I choose to. As long as it is healthy and productive FOR ME. I will surround myself with supportive people, environments and memories that will make me feel better. I was married to the person God chose for me, regardless of how long. He is still my Husband.


1 comment:

  1. Well said I lost my husband of 45 years a year and half ago. He passed away 7 weeks after he was diagnosed with cancer .We had been together since we 18 . I agree he will always be my husband. It is hard being the only one in our group of friends that has lost their spouse our kids and grandkids are GREAT but their lives move on my life I feel has stopped .God Bless you, Colleen
